Thursday, November 20, 2008

Who needs a trainer?

Matt has been working out with a trainer these past couple of months and has really bulked up the muscle mass. This morning he was working out at home and Tyler was very interested in what he was doing. So, Matt was showing him some of the exercises he has done with his trainer like lunges and sit-ups. Tyler jumped right in, "Look at me, I can do lunges too!" He had a very serious look on his face the whole time, like he was working really hard. He needed a little help with the situps. I think the best was when they were doing push-ups. Ty did a few on his own (real pushups, no kidding), and then he took a break and made his Dad work a little harder. Ty is always telling me he wants to grow up and be big and strong like his Daddy.


Roxy said...

those pushup pictures are great. i needed a good laugh.

Sarah said...

What a good habit to get into. Hopefully it lasts! Way cute!

Catherine said...

Tyler is hilarious. Love the serious face, and he's so cute laying on daddy during the pushups. That's something my kids would do.

Corrinne is so different! I can't believe how much she's grown! Wow. I love how she likes to read to herself. Those are GREAT habits to develop early. It will pay off!!

Go Mommy!