So...remember this time last year when gas stations were putting up funny things like this instead of the actual price of gas, because it was pretty much too painful to look at?
I told my mother, who is currently paying ridiculous money for gas living overseas (sorry mom), that when gas gets below $1.50 a gallon here I was going to take a picture. Well, I don't have the picture today. It seems lately everytime I pass a gas station i am behind the wheel, not in the passenger seat and it is hard to take a photo and drive at the same time. No really, it's hard. But I just HAD to tell everyone that gas prices here are INSANELY CHEAP right now. And by that I mean $1.35/gallon!!!
I seriously filled up my tank the other day for about $25.00, and that's when it was 1.59/gallon which I thought was a steal. I haven't been able to fill up for that price since my first year in college.
I don't know why this is so amazing to me. Maybe it was all those reporter stories I did back in 2004 when gas prices were going up and I had to interview people at the pump. "So...what do you think about the gas prices? (please say something intelligent that I can use)"
Seriously, I think I did that story WAY too many times. It must have had an impact.
That't it then, those must have been some fabulous stories :). How 'bout you travel out our way and do them here so our prices will catch up to yours!
I know, man. I'm LOVING the price of gas. Too bad it won't last forever. But it certainly is coming at a good time of year!
BTW, remember all those times in Topeka I hassled you by calling you right after you finished reporting on the news? That makes me smile to think about. Good times, good times.
WOO HOO is all I have to say. Especially now that we have a bigger car that get a little less mpg. How are you doing...feel free to give me a call when you are a bored at night. I'm usually bored myself becasue Bret is busy with homework. Did I mention how proud I am of your for joining the blog world? :)
Oh sweet relief at the gas pump! If only the other commodities would follow suit! Our five pound bag of pretzels at Costco went up from $3.?? to $5.?? in the past month! Sheesh. But, ah yes: I can't mention how nice it is to decrease our fuel portion of the budget. So cool. It's a good thing you did all those stories. Thanks
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