Me and my cute little girl playing house at Sears. Ty can be seen trying to climb on top of the house. Shocker!
So I was reading a bunch of different people's blogs tonight and really enjoying catching up on other people's happenings. It inspired me to add something to my blog since I haven't done anything with it since I created it this summer, and actually I don't think i ever emailed anyone the link because I didn't want the pressure of knowing i would have to update it. I am a wimp, I know. My brother Bret brought that to my attention tonight while i was whining about not being able to find the time to update a blog, so why should i start one. ---Enough whining--
This is Corrinne doing what she does best..."The Look". You have to see the picture up close to really appreciate it. This is the face she pulls when she either knows she has done something wrong, or doesn't want to do what I want her to. She thinks she's being so tough and stubborn. It's a signature look, and it makes me laugh every time.

Tyler loves to dress up and play pretend right now. His favorite character is Handy Manny (a cartoon fix-it guy on the disney channel),
which is funny because we don't have cable and he has only ever seen one Handy Manny show. Nonetheless he likes to dress up as Handy Manny and always wants me to find something for him to fix.
He spends a lot of time explaining things with his hands and telling Matt and i what to do when he is dressed as Handy Manny. The picture says it all. He has already broken half of his plastic tool, but still keeps hammering away on anything that I don't specifically prohibit. Consequently, Corrinne thinks that tools and fixing things are pretty awesome as well. Her favorite movie is the one Handy Manny video that we own. She specifically requests it multiple times a day by pointing her chubby little finger at the dvd player and saying moo-be maa-ny (movie, Handy Manny). Poor girl doesn't stand a chance at being a girly girl with a brother who is obsessed with being mr. fix-it all day. Though, since Halloween, Ty has broadened his make believe costume wardrobe to now include a cowboy and a firefighter. It's fun.

So much fun seeing this side of Tyler. Dress up for boys CAN be just as much fun as girls--just not as cute in the girly way we think of it. :) No pressure, but I loved seeing the post on here. Congrats! I know it can take time to get into this whole blogging thing. Good luck!
Not suprised you finally starting blogging. Remember what you used to say about scrappers? Love you Kar. Adorable pictures of the grandkids. Keep on blogging.
Love you,
Hooray Kara! You're already a blogging pro! Look at the cute post you did of your kids. I love the "look" Corinne gives. Classic. And Tyler's Handy Manny "act" is hilarious.
Thanks for your blog address . . . and if you're like me, you go through blogging phases. I won't post anything for a while, and then I do several at once (when I have the time/desire).
HOORAY!!!!!!!!!! I love Corrinne's "look". Emily has a similar look--and a similar halloween costume! Who knew?! Okay, well, it looks GREAT! I'm so proud of you. (Don't judge me, I haven't blogged in 2 weeks...sigh...) LOVE YOU KARA!
yea kara!! everyone caves eventually. i'm excited to see what your family is up to. corrine and marah are little twinners. you need to move here so they can play. not to much to ask is it? take care kara, and thanks for the address.
Woo Hoo! Welcome aboard! I can't wait for more.
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