I told my mother, who is currently paying ridiculous money for gas living overseas (sorry mom), that when gas gets below $1.50 a gallon here I was going to take a picture. Well, I don't have the picture today. It seems lately everytime I pass a gas station i am behind the wheel, not in the passenger seat and it is hard to take a photo and drive at the same time. No really, it's hard. But I just HAD to tell everyone that gas prices here are INSANELY CHEAP right now. And by that I mean $1.35/gallon!!!
I seriously filled up my tank the other day for about $25.00, and that's when it was 1.59/gallon which I thought was a steal. I haven't been able to fill up for that price since my first year in college.

I don't know why this is so amazing to me. Maybe it was all those reporter stories I did back in 2004 when gas prices were going up and I had to interview people at the pump. "So...what do you think about the gas prices? (please say something intelligent that I can use)"
Seriously, I think I did that story WAY too many times. It must have had an impact.