I am sitting in a hotel room in Auburn, Maine waiting for Matt to call me from the dental practice across the street where he is interviewing for a job. So, I decided to post a few of the pictures we have gathered in the last 24 hours. When we arrived yesterday we took a drive up the coast of Maine through the town of Freeport, Maine (home of LL Bean). Cute little town.

The nice lady at the information center gave us directions to Orr Island, where we found the Atlantic Ocean and a restaurant where they pluck the lobster right out of the ocean, cook it, and plop it on your plate. Talk about fresh seafood.

Matt was brave enough to try it.

I couldn't get past the fact that it still had eyes, so I could see the look on the lobster's face when it realized it was being cooked. I had the fried shrimp. Also fresh, and wonderful. After dinner, we drove inland to Auburn where earlier this week they had the biggest snow storm I have ever seen. There was a dump truck and a bulldozer clearing the snow from the parking lot outside our hotel all night. There was so much snow, they literally filled several dump trucks with it. My question was, where the heck were they taking all that snow?? We drove around and tried to get the lay of the land here in town. Still can't get over the 10 foot high piles of snow in front of all the buildings.

Well, that's all the stuff I have pictures of for now. Hope to get one of a lighthouse before we take off tomorrow. Maine is beautiful, even with all the snow. I can't imagine how pretty it is when it is green.

Oh, I love it! I have always wanted to go there. One of my brother's areas on his mission dipped into Maine. It was the Halifax (Nova Scotia) mission, but they were in New Brunswick. They would cross the border all the time to go shopping or mail letters.
Be sure to let us know what you find out! Dang it, I wish NC wasn't so dumb about dental boards.
I don't even remember how I stumbled upon your blog but I did and HELLO!! Your kids are so cute and you and Matt look great. We miss you guys so much and it looks like Maine is treating you well.
Just wanted to say hi!! =) Email me if you get a minute: jenncutie@hotmail.com
Man, that fresh seafood is making my mouth water. I'm jealous!!!
Can't wait to hear what you decide!
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