I admit, it is a couple of weeks past valentine's, but I was looking through my pictures and wanted to share them. The kids were so cute.
We gave them their Valentine's gifts and candy in the morning. They were both jumping around on our bed, eating candy, and being kids.
Then Matt decided to make our bedroom furniture in to an obstacle course that the kids could climb, starting at the bed and leading to the top of his tall dresser. They loved it. Yes, even Corrinne.

What more
could a couple of kids want?
After about an hour of jumping, candy, and climbing Tyler declared, "Mommy! We are having a Valentine's party!" I had to agree. It may have just been fun in our pajamas, but to Tyler it was a party. Simple pleasures.

Matt and I got to go to a dance for Valentine's the night before. 
We got all dressed up, and even had our picture taken to mark the occasion. I, personally, went on two shopping trips to a total of nine different stores looking for a dress to wear. No luck. My friend Jenny came through for me once again, letting me shop in her closet where I found a great dress option. Gotta love good friends. It was nice getting out without the little ones and enjoying some time together. We ate way too much food and had a nice time talking with a bunch of our friends at the dance. For Valentine's this year, Matt went conventional and bought me running shoes instead of flowers and chocolate. Now, some wives may take offense to such a gesture, but it was the best gift I could have received because it showed me that my husband pays attention to what I really want and knew I would be overjoyed to replace my 3 year old shoes with a new pair. What a guy! : )

They are so adorable. Glad you had fun at the dance!
Love it. Sounds like a fun memory for your kids. You guys look really good in your 'dance picture' :)
awwww. great post. Enjoyed the pictures. I can only imagine the joy your kids had climbing on everything without getting into trouble! That WAS a party. Fun fun.
btw, what a cute couple! :)
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