Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cheese eating grin

This is what happens when I let my two year old out of my sight for five minutes.
Yes, that was a brand new block of cheese, opened yesterday. She had just eaten lunch. Apparently not enough.
I need a lock on my fridge.


Sarah said...

I have a lock on my fridge. and on my cereal cupboard. I love them. I bought them at walmart 2 in a pack. go my a lock!

cheese is good though...

Kristin, Scott, Emily and Eric said...

That is hilarious. :) Oddly enough, looks delcious. I'm sure if Emily ever discovered that she could eat cheese like that, she would be all over it. I find her with a Kraft Singles slice of cheese at least twice a day. She and Corrinne together would be a CRAZY combination!

Catherine said...

ohhhhh my my my. That little girl!!! Was she "plugged up" after eating all that cheese?

Kara said...

Thanks Sarah. I think I will go to Walmart this week. Kris-I can not even begin to imagine the trouble that would be had putting our girls in the same house. Catherine-let's just say I almost lost my cookies in the library bathroom, which is where we were when she was finally able to do her business again. Cheese has lost a bit of its appeal to me since then. : )

Denise said...

Hey! Your blog is awesome as well. I know your parents love keeping on your family by using it. Too bad we didn't live closer; I'm sure our daughters would love to rustle up some trouble together :)

Anonymous said...

oh my stinkin' goodness! what a nut...guess you know what to put in her stocking next year!